WELCOME most of us have experienced break-ups, breakdowns or brokeness in some part of our lives. (relationships, jobs, finances, health) Moving on can be difficult, but there are steps you can take for healing. The 100 Hearts Challenge is a social initiative designed to encourage awareness and help one another to grow up, grow thru & grow on with life! Healing requires you to accept the challenge of doing the work necessary to heal. The validity of your happiness comes from YOU! Over the next 100 days, "Will YOU commit to YOU?

Sep 26, 2010

Pose for the Camera Now...Flick, Flick, Flick! - Week 1: Task 1

WEEK 1: Task 1

Welcome back! 

"Can You Spare Some Change?"  Watch video 

Change is the conduit that catapults us into our true character and purpose. It's equivalent to growth and growth is the natural order of life. If something isn't growing, it's either artificially made OR it's dead! So my question to you is, "Are you growing?" Are you willing to take the necessary steps to abandon the spaces, places, people or situations you've become so familiar and comfortable with in order to grow and get unstuck? This week's challenges will focus on "Getting you Comfortable with the "Idea of Change."

DON'T FORGET to Comment, Share & Discuss with everyone!

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"
Jack A. Daniels

WEEK 1: Task 1
Pose for the Camera Now...Flick, Flick, Flick!

Take as many pictures of yourself as you can. All pictures have to be of you acting "OUT of YOUR character!" Be silly, mean, abstract, nice, naughty or WHATEVER everyone else KNOWS isn't like you! You then have to SHARE a few of the pictures taken with at least 5 people. Post them to facebook, twitter, email them to your parents, kids or you can even show them to the funny looking cashier at Walgreens! 

You don't have to do this activity alone. Contract your kids, friends, family or significant other. No glamour shots or fake smiles for the camera; we ALL know you're a diva. But we don't want the diva today. Let out the kid in you! Remember to act OUTSIDE of your character. Have fun! I'll be sure to check facebook to see who took some good pics!

task 1 = +1 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After the task - Go to the quiet space you created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What were your initial thoughts after you read what you had to do for this task?

2. How did you feel during and after completing the task?