Healing 100 Hearts in 100 Day Challenge: From Breakups to Breakthroughs... Life Goes On
Greetings! For those of you who don't know me...my name is Jack A. Daniels and YES...that's my REAL name! :) I'm extremely excited about this project and hope you are as well. I know women like LOTS of details and information so here it is.
I'm known by many as the guy who talks about men and why we do what we do in relationships. I've defended, coached, counseled and challenged men in every respect with some great success stories throughout the years. Nevertheless, everywhere I've gone or spoken both nationally and internationally, I'd always get women asking, "So what about us?" "When are you going to do something for us?" I HEARD you LOUD & CLEAR! :p
I'm not fond of people who talk about the problems and dilemmas stressing how much we need to change, but they in NO way provide a plan OR directions as to how to do it. I see the hurt, the disappointment, hard times, brokenness and pain some women are going through daily. I also know what it feels like to be sinking in a quicksand cycle that paralyzes my productivity. I've been in places where I wanted to move forward, but I had NO idea how to get unstuck. I've been there with my career, my relationship, health and spirituality. I was too ashamed to tell my family and my friends thought they knew it all, but really didn't have a clue! TRUST me...I've been there!
Since I'm not just another talker...this challenge is my solution for you and the countless others who KNOW what we know. I've assembled a team of experts that are going to help facilitate a real process of change. Some of the tasks will be easy and others are going to challenge and push your levels of comfort. That's ok. This challenge is designed to assist you with your healing process. It's not guaranteed to fully heal whatever challenge you're struggling with, but it will help you MOVE in the right direction. PLUS, it's something different, new, and fun!
So enjoy the process. Enjoy discovering new ways to get "unstuck!" I’ll be walking with you and I’m looking forward to learning, hearing and discussing some of your thoughts along the way. This is an interactive social community where our goal is to help ourselves AND help each other. So tell your friends, family, co-workers, and haters (they probably need it more than us) about the challenge! Maya Angelou said, "When you KNOW better, you DO better." I'm going to help you with the "KNOWing" parts. I'm counting on you to handle the "DOing" parts! But the FIRST question I need you to sincerely answer is, "Will you commit to you?"
You've committed to everything & everyone else except YOU. It's time for you to STOP making excuses about why you haven't, can't or won't move on from WHOever or WHATever has you feeling stuck. It's time to heal, it's time to be happy & it's time to be whole. You can't unlock your destiny if you're stuck in your history! Change begins and ends with you. So let’s see how much change we can make throughout this 100 day challenge!
Chat soon and keep spreading the word!
"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and always remember to stay out of your own way!"
Jack A. Daniels
Ladies, let's do this!!!