It's important that you have a better understanding of your thoughts and feelings so they won't control you. One of the BEST methods I advise is keeping and writing a personal journal. Journaling helps you to
- Record the facts
- Reflect on some of the challenges you're experiencing
- Examine your innermost thoughts and feelings
- Evaluate the decisions and actions you have, should, would or could take
- Find a regular consistent time each day to write
- Make sure your space is free from clutter and/or distractions
- Don't plan what you write about...just write
- Don't be concerned about spell checking, punctuation, formatting, etc.
- Don't judge yourself. Let ANYthing and EVERYthing you're thinking or feeling come out.
- Your journal belongs to YOU. Keep it private
- Most importantly...BE HONEST! No one is around to grade, criticize or judge you. This belongs to YOU so be truthful to YOU by not holding anything back.