Today, find a camera or use your phone to take a picture of yourself. Not of you posing or anything. Take a picture of just your smile. No other parts of your face should be included. The primary focus is that beautiful smile that lights up the room everytime anyone sees it. When you've taken a few shots and have the perfect one, print it out or post it somewhere you'll be able to see it the entire week. Hang it up in your cubicle, upload to your social media profile, on your bathroom mirror, on the frige, or wherever! Just make sure it's in a place that's visible and convenient. Everyday this week 3 times a day, I need you to look at the picture of your smile and do the polite thing by genuinely smiling back. :)Task 31 = +2 points for completing
Journal Questions:
After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.
1. What did it feel seeing a picture of your smile?
2. What would one of your friends say about your picture?
"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"
Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @
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