WELCOME most of us have experienced break-ups, breakdowns or brokeness in some part of our lives. (relationships, jobs, finances, health) Moving on can be difficult, but there are steps you can take for healing. The 100 Hearts Challenge is a social initiative designed to encourage awareness and help one another to grow up, grow thru & grow on with life! Healing requires you to accept the challenge of doing the work necessary to heal. The validity of your happiness comes from YOU! Over the next 100 days, "Will YOU commit to YOU?

Feb 10, 2011

Is it Really Easier to Tell a Stranger? WEEK 5: Task 24


Today is going to very similar to yesterday except I'm going to push you a little more. Find a stranger and tell them your TRUE life story. It doesn't have to be the graphic version with every detail included, but it needs to be enough information so the stranger walks away knowing your tragedies, pains, successes and ultimately who you are. The stranger can be a co-worker you've never spoken to, someone in the grocery store, coffee shop, daycare, mall or wherever! Just make sure you let your wall down enough to tell someone your TRUE story. Also make sure you encourage the stranger to give feedback and ask questions. BIG task, but you can do it!

Task 24 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. Who did you approach and why?

2. How did you feel before, during and after you told your story?
3. How hard was it for you to lower your wall? 

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

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