WELCOME most of us have experienced break-ups, breakdowns or brokeness in some part of our lives. (relationships, jobs, finances, health) Moving on can be difficult, but there are steps you can take for healing. The 100 Hearts Challenge is a social initiative designed to encourage awareness and help one another to grow up, grow thru & grow on with life! Healing requires you to accept the challenge of doing the work necessary to heal. The validity of your happiness comes from YOU! Over the next 100 days, "Will YOU commit to YOU?

Sep 30, 2010

Big Hugs for Everyone! WEEK 1: Task 4

Welcome back! 

"Can You Spare Some Change?"  Watch video 

WEEK 1: Task 4


There's something about a hug and the way it makes you feel. When done in the right context, a hug can make everything that's gone bad, haywire or really wrong seem so much better. It's the quiet, nonverbal gesture that brings joy to everyone who participates. On the other hand, hugs can be an invasion of your personal space when unwarranted. When you are unfamiliar, upset or uncomfortable with a person, a hug can be one of the most unwelcomed acts imagined! Which brings us to today’s task.

This task may be hard for some of you, but trust me it's going to be EXTREMELY rewarding! Today, you need to give a minimum of 5 hugs to 5 different people you NORMALLY don't hug. Pick a co-worker, stranger, friend or whoever you choose. If you get on a roll and give more than 5, that's ok, but 5 is your absolute minimum. I know this may be difficult, but swallow your pride and drink a cup of courage to help you step outside of your comfort zone. You can do it!

task 4 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What were your thoughts after you read this task?

2. How did you feel before and after your first hug? How about the final hug? 

3. How did other people's reaction to your hug make you feel?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Sep 29, 2010

Making it Without Make-up WEEK 1: Task 3

Welcome back! 

"Can You Spare Some Change?"  Watch video 

WEEK 1: Task 3


Ooook...so this one may be pretty rough (no pun intended) for some of you. Designate a day to officially be NO MAKE-UP day! I see you with your lips curled up, shaking your head, mouth wide open, mumbling under your breath, "He MUST be crazy." The answer would be, "YES, I am!" Trust me, I know and understand how important this is to some of you so THIS time, I'm going to allow you to at least wear some lip gloss; but NO MAKE-UP!

I know some of you think you can sneak your way out of and around this task, but let me clarify a couple other points.
  • Wearing no make-up on a day when you DON'T need to go anywhere doesn't count!
  • You MUST journey without make-up in public!
  • IF you normally don't wear any make-up...you have to go without something you DO wear daily (lip gloss, chapstick, deodorant, nail polish, your purse, pick something!
Have fun!

task 3 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After the task - Go to the quiet space you created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What were your thoughts as you were preparing to leave the house?

2. How did you feel throughout the day?

3. Did anyone treat you any differently today?


Sep 28, 2010

Stop Driving Blindfolded WEEK 1: Task 2

Welcome back! 

"Can You Spare Some Change?"  Watch video 

WEEK 1: Task 2 

Routines sometimes do us a disservice. Many of us wake up, brush our teeth and drive blindfolded to jobs we hate and talk to people we don't like everyday. We've become accustomed to and robotically conditioned ourselves to doing the same things the same way over and over.

For task #2, you need to pick a day to take a different route to and from work. DO NOT take the same route coming OR going. That means you'll probably have to leave a little earlier because you'll be taking the long way around. Don't lie to yourself and say, "I don't know any other way to get there." Map it out before you go, but whatever you do, DO NOT take your regular route!

Note: If you don't drive to work OR you aren't working right now, wherever you go this week that is routine...take a different route. (Church, school, grocery store, daycare, etc.)

task 2 = +1 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After the task - Go to the quiet space you created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What were your thoughts as you were driving the new route to your destination?

2. What did you see and notice that was different than your norm?

3. How did you feel once you arrived?

Sep 26, 2010

Pose for the Camera Now...Flick, Flick, Flick! - Week 1: Task 1

WEEK 1: Task 1

Welcome back! 

"Can You Spare Some Change?"  Watch video 

Change is the conduit that catapults us into our true character and purpose. It's equivalent to growth and growth is the natural order of life. If something isn't growing, it's either artificially made OR it's dead! So my question to you is, "Are you growing?" Are you willing to take the necessary steps to abandon the spaces, places, people or situations you've become so familiar and comfortable with in order to grow and get unstuck? This week's challenges will focus on "Getting you Comfortable with the "Idea of Change."

DON'T FORGET to Comment, Share & Discuss with everyone!

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"
Jack A. Daniels

WEEK 1: Task 1
Pose for the Camera Now...Flick, Flick, Flick!

Take as many pictures of yourself as you can. All pictures have to be of you acting "OUT of YOUR character!" Be silly, mean, abstract, nice, naughty or WHATEVER everyone else KNOWS isn't like you! You then have to SHARE a few of the pictures taken with at least 5 people. Post them to facebook, twitter, email them to your parents, kids or you can even show them to the funny looking cashier at Walgreens! 

You don't have to do this activity alone. Contract your kids, friends, family or significant other. No glamour shots or fake smiles for the camera; we ALL know you're a diva. But we don't want the diva today. Let out the kid in you! Remember to act OUTSIDE of your character. Have fun! I'll be sure to check facebook to see who took some good pics!

task 1 = +1 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After the task - Go to the quiet space you created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What were your initial thoughts after you read what you had to do for this task?

2. How did you feel during and after completing the task?

Sep 22, 2010

Healing 100 Hearts Challenge NEXT Steps - Day 1

CONGRATULATIONS for taking 1 step closer to becoming a BETTER YOU! Welcome to the Healing 100 Hearts in 100 Days Challenge! Now it's time to make sure you have all the information you need to get READY to COMMIT to you!

Watch video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QWH1m7lABo&feature=related

How does the Challenge work?
  • Every Sunday, there will be a video message from me with an underlining theme for the week.
  • Throughout the week, you’ll receive tasks associated with the week’s theme via (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, www.100hearts.net ) OR the BEST way to receive and check the tasks is to SUBSCRIBE to www.jackadaniels.blogspot.com  This Blog will be your BEST Challenge reference point for now.
  • In addition, you should also sign up for the newsletter to receive DIRECT messages/tasks to your email address. (GOTO my personal page or 100 Hearts page on Facebook and click on the “Join My List” tab)  If you’re NOT a Facebook member, you can send an email to 100hearts@presspause.org and we’ll easily get you signed up.
  • You’ll receive points for every task you successfully complete. These point are simply a measure of your progress in the process. (No one is grading you but you…Be HONEST with yourself)
  • Some of the tasks will be easy…some will be hard, depending on where you are in your process of growth.
I’m encouraging you all to DISCUSS the tasks, your thoughts, successes and failures with one another so we can ALL LEARN and GROW from each other’s experiences.

Pretty simple so far…Right?

What do I do now?
Over the course of this week you need to do some prep work for Sunday’s start date.
  1. Buy a journal with lots of pages. (an old school spiral notebook will work also if you don’t want to get too fancy)
  2. Purchase a few candles. The number of candles is up to you. If you already have a few around the house…which since you’re all women you probably do…USE THOSE!
  3. Go to Home Depot and purchase a packet of Viola (#8339) or Pansy (#8388) flower seeds. (Packet only cost $1.00)
  4. Go to Home Depot and also purchase Jiffy Windowsill Greenhouse plant carton. (it looks like an empty egg carton) It’s used to grow plants.
  5. Locate a “working” camera. If you don’t have one or your phone doesn’t take pics…borrow one from a friend!
  6. Last, and MOST importantly, FIND or CREATE a space in your house that’s comfortable, quiet, free of clutter AND distractions. This can be your favorite chair, prayer closet, patio, basement, bathtub…WHEREVER! Just make sure it’s consistent and convenient.
Note: if you don’t have a Home Depot close to you, visit your local flower shop.

Overall, I’m excited you’re accepting the challenge. If no one has told you before, I will, "I'm PROUD of you!" The journey we’re about to take together is going to be awesome! I can’t wait for you to become the BETTER you. Don’t start off on the WRONG foot this weekend. Do the WORK and be READY to WORK on Sunday! I'm counting on you to help me help everyone else accepting this challenge with you! Congratulations again!
If you have any questions, let's discuss in the comments section. Chat soon!

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"
Jack A. Daniels

Sep 17, 2010

Welcome to the 100 Hearts Challenge from Jack A. Daniels

Healing 100 Hearts in 100 Day Challenge: From Breakups to Breakthroughs... Life Goes On

Greetings!  For those of you who don't know me...my name is Jack A. Daniels and YES...that's my REAL name! :)  I'm extremely excited about this project and hope you are as well. I know women like LOTS of details and information so here it is.

I'm known by many as the guy who talks about men and why we do what we do in relationships. I've defended, coached, counseled and challenged men in every respect with some great success stories throughout the years. Nevertheless, everywhere I've gone or spoken both nationally and internationally, I'd always get women asking, "So what about us?" "When are you going to do something for us?"  I HEARD you LOUD & CLEAR! :p

I'm not fond of people who talk about the problems and dilemmas stressing how much we need to change, but they in NO way provide a plan OR directions as to how to do it. I see the hurt, the disappointment, hard times, brokenness and pain some women are going through daily. I also know what it feels like to be sinking in a quicksand cycle that paralyzes my productivity. I've been in places where I wanted to move forward, but I had NO idea how to get unstuck. I've been there with my career, my relationship, health and spirituality. I was too ashamed to tell my family and my friends thought they knew it all, but really didn't have a clue! TRUST me...I've been there!

Since I'm not just another talker...this challenge is my solution for you and the countless others who KNOW what we know. I've assembled a team of experts that are going to help facilitate a real process of change. Some of the tasks will be easy and others are going to challenge and push your levels of comfort. That's ok. This challenge is designed to assist you with your healing process. It's not guaranteed to fully heal whatever challenge you're struggling with, but it will help you MOVE in the right direction. PLUS, it's something different, new, and fun!

So enjoy the process. Enjoy discovering new ways to get "unstuck!" I’ll be walking with you and I’m looking forward to learning, hearing and discussing some of your thoughts along the way. This is an interactive social community where our goal is to help ourselves AND help each other. So tell your friends, family, co-workers, and haters (they probably need it more than us) about the challenge! Maya Angelou said, "When you KNOW better, you DO better." I'm going to help you with the "KNOWing" parts. I'm counting on you to handle the "DOing" parts! But the FIRST question I need you to sincerely answer is, "Will you commit to you?"

You've committed to everything & everyone else except YOU. It's time for you to STOP making excuses about why you haven't, can't or won't move on from WHOever or WHATever has you feeling stuck. It's time to heal, it's time to be happy & it's time to be whole. You can't unlock your destiny if you're stuck in your history!  Change begins and ends with you. So let’s see how much change we can make throughout this 100 day challenge!

Chat soon and keep spreading the word!

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and always remember to stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels