WELCOME most of us have experienced break-ups, breakdowns or brokeness in some part of our lives. (relationships, jobs, finances, health) Moving on can be difficult, but there are steps you can take for healing. The 100 Hearts Challenge is a social initiative designed to encourage awareness and help one another to grow up, grow thru & grow on with life! Healing requires you to accept the challenge of doing the work necessary to heal. The validity of your happiness comes from YOU! Over the next 100 days, "Will YOU commit to YOU?

Sep 29, 2010

Making it Without Make-up WEEK 1: Task 3

Welcome back! 

"Can You Spare Some Change?"  Watch video 

WEEK 1: Task 3


Ooook...so this one may be pretty rough (no pun intended) for some of you. Designate a day to officially be NO MAKE-UP day! I see you with your lips curled up, shaking your head, mouth wide open, mumbling under your breath, "He MUST be crazy." The answer would be, "YES, I am!" Trust me, I know and understand how important this is to some of you so THIS time, I'm going to allow you to at least wear some lip gloss; but NO MAKE-UP!

I know some of you think you can sneak your way out of and around this task, but let me clarify a couple other points.
  • Wearing no make-up on a day when you DON'T need to go anywhere doesn't count!
  • You MUST journey without make-up in public!
  • IF you normally don't wear any make-up...you have to go without something you DO wear daily (lip gloss, chapstick, deodorant, nail polish, your purse, pick something!
Have fun!

task 3 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After the task - Go to the quiet space you created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What were your thoughts as you were preparing to leave the house?

2. How did you feel throughout the day?

3. Did anyone treat you any differently today?


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