WELCOME most of us have experienced break-ups, breakdowns or brokeness in some part of our lives. (relationships, jobs, finances, health) Moving on can be difficult, but there are steps you can take for healing. The 100 Hearts Challenge is a social initiative designed to encourage awareness and help one another to grow up, grow thru & grow on with life! Healing requires you to accept the challenge of doing the work necessary to heal. The validity of your happiness comes from YOU! Over the next 100 days, "Will YOU commit to YOU?

Dec 10, 2010

Let it Go WEEK 11: Task 50


Today, take an index card and write, "Let it go" in capital letters on one side. On the other side make a list of everything in your life you're ready to let go of and move on from. If you run out of room, get another card and repeat the process. Once you've written everything down, read each item individually aloud. After reading each item, flip your card over and say your action statement aloud, "Let it go."

50 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel before, during and after this task?
2. Which item stood out the most on your card? Explain
3. How did performing this task impact you? Explain 

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Dec 9, 2010

Confrontation Counts WEEK 11: Task 49


Today, is confrontation day. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. It's time to take some steps to confront whatever or whoever hurt you. This time I'm going to give you a choice of methods. Either you can write a letter, call or meet face to face. Regardless of the method, your job is to confront the situation. If you write a letter, you only have to send it to the person if you choose. However, the letter needs to address everything that is and has been on your heart. If you have the courage to call or meet, the same rules apply. Just make SURE the atmosphere is appropriate and the other person is open to hearing what's on your mind.

WARNING: If you believe there could be any elements of danger associated with this task, please do not perform. DO NOT put yourself in harms way. I'm in no way telling you it's a must for you to perform this task. Please use your common sense and best judgement. 

49 = +2 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel before, during and after this task?
2. Which method did you decide to use to confront your past?
3. How did performing this task impact you? Explain 

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Dec 8, 2010

I Forgive You WEEK 11: Task 48

Today is probably one of the hardest task I've given. Stand in front of a mirror and close your eyes. Refelct on how you got to this point in your life. What happened, who was involved, when, where and how it all transpired. Do this for however long you need to summon the emotions you felt as a result of what happened. Hold onto and embrace those feelings as you open your eyes. Look yourself directly in the eyes and repeat, "I forgive you" 10 times.

48 = +2 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did it feel to remember?
2. How did you see yourself when you opened your eyes?
3. Do you truly forgive yourself? Explain 

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Dec 7, 2010

Identifying the "What" WEEK 11: Task 47

Today, your task is to identify the "what" by answering and discussing the following questions with your accountability partner. Forward the questions to them and allow them to ask you each one. Your job is to be open and honest enough to answer. Questions:
1. What happened?
2. What is it that's been keeping you from letting go?
3. What needs to happen for you to forgive?
4. What can you do differently to resolve?

47 = +2 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did it feel to answer those questions?
2. What was the most interesting conversation you and your accountability partner had?
3. How does the idea of forgiving and moving forward sound to you now? 

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Dec 6, 2010

The Secret of Sankoka WEEK 11: Task 46

Today, you need to look up the meaning behind the "Sankofa bird" symbol shown. It's a proverb with a good lesson associated with the journey of letting go. Once you've researched, print out the symbol and post it somewhere you can easily view. Next, write briefly what it is and how it applies to you.

46 = +1 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How does this symbol relate to your current mentality?
2. Who will you share the lesson you learned from this with?
3. How does looking back make you feel at this stage in the process? 

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 26, 2010

Get Back on Track WEEK 9:Task 45


Sigh...I shouldn't have to say this, because most of you already know. Re-commit, re-commit, rec-commit! Yes, you more than likely cheated yesterday so I'll keep it simple today and just tell you to refcous and get back on track! ;)

45 = +1 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What will you do to refocus yourself?
2. What does re-committing to yourself look like for you?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 25, 2010

Gone Girl! - WEEK 9: Task 44


Today, be thankful for where you've come from and where you're going. Appreciate the commitment you made to yourself. You've come a long way from where you started and you should be proud of what you've accomplished! Pat yourself on the back, look yourself in the mirror and say, "Gone Girl!"

44 = +1 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. Can you name 3 things that are different about you since you've started the challenge?
2. What are you grateful for today?
3. How does it feel to be committed to yourself?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 24, 2010

Do the Diet! - WEEK 9: Task 43


This is going to be REALLY hard this week, but, sigh...no one said getting back to you would be easy! Make the commitment to START eating right TODAY! I know, I know...but we learn through DOING. Don't cheat yourself by giving in to the temptation of doing what everyone else will be doing; that's what the "old you" would do. Make the commitment to develop a plan to say "No" to your "cravings" and "Yes" to committing to yourself. ;)

43 = +1 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How hard is this task going to be for you?
2. What method did you choose and why?
3. How do you feel about committing yourself to following through with this task?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 23, 2010

Tighten Up! - WEEK 9: Task 42

Today, your task is to tighten up. Literally! We've worked on your mind, emotions and spirit. Now it's time to get moving by focusing on your body! The "new you" has to fully commit to herself. Sign up for a gym, bootcamp, personal trainer or whatever helps you begin the process of tightening up that body. Stop procrastinating and make the call and commitment TODAY!

42 = +1 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How hard was this task for you?
2. What method did you choose and why?
3. How do you feel about committing yourself to following through with this task?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 22, 2010

Status Check - WEEK 9: Task 41

Today, it's time to evaluate the status of your BIG 4 goals. Are you on track? How far have you come and how far do you have to go? In week 4 you wrote a commitment contract, "I will by..." Pull it out and make sure it matches the "new you" and to ensure you're not off course. Re-commit to making, measuring and meaning what you set out to originally do!

41 = +1 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. Are you still on course with your original goals?
2. What's changed about you in the last month?
3. How did you feel after re-evaluating, reviewing and re-committing to your goals?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 19, 2010

Do What You Like - WEEK 8: Task 40


At some point today, make time to do something ONLY the "new you" would do. Do something you've been planning to do for awhile but never had the time, energy or courage to do for whatever reason. It doesn't have to be anything major, it can be something simple. Asking a guy on a date, cooking dinner from scratch, reading a book, test driving that car, eating that chocolate cake, or NOT eating that chocolate cake! Whatever thing that makes you say, "I've been wanting to do this for a loooong time!"

40 = +1 point for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How long did it take you to decide what you wanted to do?
2. How hard was it to follow through?
3. How did you feel before, during and after doing what you liked?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 18, 2010

Veracity Video - WEEK 8: Task 39

Today, we're going to make a video about who YOU think you are. Find a video camera or simply record on your phone. Your video can be however long you choose. Take all of the results you've worked through this week and create your own analysis of who you are. Your video should include you completing the following statements: I am beautiful because..., I am happy because..., I am successful because...,etc. Make sure you say them with sincerity and like you mean it. 

39 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel as you were recording?
2. How hard was it for you to record those statements?
3. Would you show your video to anyone else?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 17, 2010

A Friend's Approval - WEEK 8: Task 38


Today, write an email to your best friend explaining how much you value their friendship and want to do everything possible to strengthen it. In fact, to help strengthen your relationship, ask them to tell you all of the qualities they love about you as well as the ones that need work. Tell them to be as honest as possible because you're working on developing the "New You." Once you receive their response, don't fire back an immediate response, rebuttal or a "No you didn't reply message." I need you to pause, receive the feedback and reflect on it. Besides, who knows you better than your best friend?!

38 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel when you received their answers?
2. How hard was it for you not to immediately respond?
3. Was your friend's perspective of you the same as your own? Explain

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 16, 2010

Who Am I to You? WEEK 8: Task 37

Today, find at least 3 people you know and ask them the question, "Who am I to you?" Don't try to filter the conversation by helping them define you; allow them to answer on their own. Your job is to receive whatever response you get. If it's simply one word...receive that. If it's a long drawn out story about remembering when...receive that also. The idea is to gain other people's perspective on who you are. Oh yea...one more thing. You ALSO have to pick someone who you "DON'T" really care for and who probably doesn't care for you either. It could be your child's teacher, your baby's father, in-laws, nosy neighbor or Keisha from the 4th floor who rolls her eyes everytime you see her in the lobby! It doesn't matter...just find someone! Good luck!

37 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel as you were listening to their answers?
2. How hard was it for you to just receive the feedback?
3. Was other people's perspective of you the same as your own? Explain

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 15, 2010


Today, find an old childhood and current picture of yourself. Position them side by side to each other. Take the next 10 minutes and on one side of a piece of paper, write all of the dreams you remember having as the younger you. Do the same thing for the older you. Compare the list to see what's changed and what's remained the same. Next, post at least 3 of your current dreams in a place where you and others can see them this week. (refrigerator, cubicle, social media status, mirror, etc.) Just make sure they're in a place you'll see everyday for the next week.

36 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel when you saw both pictures together?
2. What moments did you remember most about your childhood?
3. What dreams did you forget about and need to refocus on?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 14, 2010

Walk it Out WEEK 7: Task 35

At some point today, make time to go for a walk. Doesn't matter where or when, just schedule some time for you to take a walk. Walk to lunch, around the block, neighborhood, track, or up your office building stairs. (ok that might be pushing it) But seriously, grab a co-worker, friend, kids, significant other or go alone...just get those legs moving! While you're walking, I want you think about the new you and how every step you take is a step closer to becoming the person you're envisioning. Remember to breathe consistently as you're walking.

35 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel as you were getting prepared for your walk?
2. What thoughts were traveling through your mind?
3. What next steps for yourself did you come up with on your walk?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 12, 2010

Get Up and Get Out WEEK 7: Task 34


Today's task involves breaking your normal routine by going to visit a friend or relative you haven't seen in a while for whatever reason. Maybe you've been too busy with work, family, kids, school, your drama, or any other excuse you can think of, but today you're going to visit. I'm not putting a time limit on this task, but I am requiring you to make the time for a visit today. You've been putting this off for too long and today is the day to pick up the phone so you can get up and get out!

34 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:
After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel before, during and after this task?
2. What kept you away so long?
3. How did it make you feel to get out and reconnect?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 11, 2010

Thank You's WEEK 7: Task 33


For today's task, physically find 5 people you know or don't know and ask them to tell you 3 positive things about you. Don't give them anything to say, just ask them their thoughts about you. Your job as they're stating these wonderful words is to say nothing. The ONLY words you're allowed to say are, "Thank you." They're going ask you why you're asking them to state these things, but you're ONLY allowed to nod your head in agreement, smile and cordially say, "Thank you." This may be hard for some of you because you're used to always explaining your actions, but today is your day to just receive a few compliments.

33 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel before you asked your first person?
2. How did you feel about just saying thank you and nothing else?
3. How did it make you feel to hear such good things about yourself?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 10, 2010

Old School Dance Off WEEK 7: Task 32

You need to get those bones active again, but we need to ease into it. So today is your day to take it back to the old school baby! Sometime today, your task is to turn on some music and for AT LEAST 3 minutes, break it down by doing a MINIMUM of 3 old school dances! The hustle, smurf, whop, funky chicken, prep, butterfly, twist, snake, the running man or whatEVER your non-dancing soul tries to do! Lol Don't try to be cute..BREAK IT DOWN girl! I need you give this your best shot. If you do this in front of other people, give yourself an EXTRA point for today's task! Have fun and don't hurt anything or anybody! ;)

Task 32 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What dances did you choose to do?
2. How did you feel as you were breaking it down?
3. How long did you keep the party going and how did you feel aftwards?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 9, 2010

Say Cheeeez! - WEEK 7: Task 31

Today, find a camera or use your phone to take a picture of yourself. Not of you posing or anything. Take a picture of just your smile. No other parts of your face should be included. The primary focus is that beautiful smile that lights up the room everytime anyone sees it. When you've taken a few shots and have the perfect one, print it out or post it somewhere you'll be able to see it the entire week. Hang it up in your cubicle, upload to your social media profile, on your bathroom mirror, on the frige, or wherever! Just make sure it's in a place that's visible and convenient. Everyday this week 3 times a day, I need you to look at the picture of your smile and do the polite thing by genuinely smiling back. :)

Task 31 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What did it feel seeing a picture of your smile?
2. What would one of your friends say about your picture?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 5, 2010

Me, Myself and I WEEK 6: Task 30

You've been hiding from yourself and everyone else for awhile for whatever reasons. It's time to get some fresh air. Today, do something you used to do and haven't done in a long time. Workout, goto the movies, get a massage, pedicure, take a hot bath, call in sick, a prank phone call, church, whatever! Just make sure the focus is of interest to you and not someone else. Today is your day. See what it feels like again to do what you enjoy. Have fun and try not to get into TOO much trouble!

Task 30 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What did you do and how did it feel?
2. What's kept you from doing this for so long?
3. What memories did doing this task bring out?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 4, 2010

Shop Til You Drop WEEK 6: Task 29


This is definitely the easiet task you'll EVER receive from me! Sigh...here it goes..."Buy it." Whatever it is you've had your eye on and haven't purchased because...today is the day. Stop rationalizing about it and buy it. Nope...no buts, just go buy it. If you haven't been eyeing something, goto the mall and buy something nice for yourself. Not for the kids, not for the significant other, just you. Today is your day! So stop reading and start figuring out what and when you're going to go get it! :-)

Task 29 = +1 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. What did you buy and how did it feel to bring it home?
2. What took you so long to buy it?
3. How long do you think this purchase is going to make you feel the way you feel?

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 3, 2010

I Love Me Some Me WEEK 6: Task 28


This is one of my favorites, but also a very hard one. Relax and stare at yourself in the mirror in silence for 5 minutes. Observe everything. Notice the freckles, the grey hairs, laugh lines, skintone, curves, everything that makes you unique and who you are. Next, verbally have a conversation with the woman in the mirror about what you DO and DON'T like about her. This is going to feel a little wierd, but trust me it's worth it. After you've said your do's and don'ts, take 4 deep breaths, look yourself directly in the eyes and repeat this phrase 4 times, "I love you for who you are." 

Task 28 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel before, during and after this task?
2. What imperfections about yourself bother you the most? 

3. How hard was it for you to say I love you? 

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/

Nov 2, 2010

Delete the Distractions WEEK 6: Task 27


Time for some house cleaning! Time to get rid of everything and everyone who doesn't add value to your life. This may be hard, but first things first...DELETE HIS/HER/THEIR NUMBER! You know the one I'm talking about. And don't you dare say but, "What if...?" If you're moving forward, you can't keep looking backwards! 2. Delete and/or take down ALL pictures that remind you of whoever or whatever moments. You don't have to throw them away, but they definitely need to be stored out of sight. 3. Same thing goes for emails, letters, cards, gifts, and anything else that can be associated with the old you. 4. Replace the empty spaces with items that serve as positive reminders of where you're heading. Anything from pictures, key phrases, vision boards, or whatever motivates you to keep moving in the right direction. 

Task 27 = +2 points for completing

Journal Questions:

After you complete this task - Go to the quiet space you've created for your self, take 3 deep breaths, read the below questions and journal about everything that comes to mind. Don't think too hard...just write as if you were talking on the phone to a friend.

1. How did you feel before, during and after this task?
2. What things have been distracting you the most? 
3. How hard was it for you to delete some of your distractions? 

"Keep the faith, keep making it happen and remember to always stay out of your own way!"

Jack A. Daniels is a best-selling author, speaker, syndicated columnist and counselor. Jack can be contacted for interviews, speaking engagements, questions or comments concerning this blog and/or project @ http://www.presspause.org/